Book Library
Welcome to Seekers Circle's Book Club, the heart of our community's explorations. Here, we celebrate the art of reading as a gateway to knowledge, growth, and profound insight. As seekers of wisdom and witnesses of the joy of learning, we invite you to join us on this enriching journey. Discover a world of thought-provoking recommendations, engaging discussions, and inspirational insights as we delve into the realms of spiritual and mystical literature.
Check out our library and don't miss our ever expanding community recommendations.

Book Recommendations
Be part of a community dedicated to growth and exploration. Join a group of curious seekers as we embark on a shared journey, pursuing knowledge and embracing the profound power of wisdom together. This list will be ever growing, I count on your recommendations to enrich it constantly. Most of the reading is spiritual and mystical, but there are other genres I enjoy and wished to share.

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness
Dr. David Hawkins
Explores a map of consciousness, outlining different levels of human experience. Explores concepts related to human consciousness, spiritual evolution, and personal growth, presenting a framework for understanding different levels of consciousness and their impact on individual behavior and experiences.

Power vs Force
Dr. David Hawkins
Fundamental difference between true power and force

The Psychedelic Experience: a Manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Timothy Leary Dr. Richard Alper
Explores the use of psychedelics for spiritual exploration and personal transformation, drawing parallels between psychedelic experiences and the stages of death and rebirth described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.